
New Loves from Caryl Baker Visage



Hey Everyone, 

One of my favourite bloggers, Karen of Makeup and Beauty Blog, does a weekly poll on her blog encouraging readers to take part. Every Monday, I will be posting my answers to her questions on my blog, and hope that you will join me by making your own post, or leaving your answers to the following questions in the comment section below.

1. Mood: Tired (but in a good way). This weekend was the Canada Day long weekend, and we spent our time up at my cottage. Between super hot weather, boating and a lot of fresh air, I am pooped. Can't wait to do it all again next weekend. 

2. Mild, medium, spicy or extra hot?: Mild! I am not a fan of really spicy things. One time I had a quesadilla at Jack Astors that was so spicy, my sister literally had to rip a piece of the table cloth (it was paper) and fill it with ice cubes for me to suck on during the ride home. Never again!

3. Your most awkward years?: I would definitely say my most awkward years were grade six to ten. I have super frizzy hair, brace, had no idea how to dress and didn't know a thing about makeup. 

4. Watcha reading right now?: I am in the middle of a book called Wild by Cheryl Strayed. It's a memoir about the three months she spent hiking the pacific coast trail from LA to Seattle. 

5. Your current Hollywood crush?: I don't have a Hollywood crush, but I definitely have a few Nashville crushes. My biggest one at the moment is Hunter Hayes. He is so talented (he played 30 different instruments on his latest CD) and so cute. The only problem is he is 10 years younger than me. 

6. Speaking of Magic Mike, what would your stripper anthem/theme song be?: I love how it assumes I picked Channing Tatum. He's cute too, but not my type. I think it would be 'She's Country' by Jason Aldean. Every time I fantasize about my MTV Super Sweet Sixteen birthday party entrance, that's the song that is playing. 

7. Fave teen hottie of the ’80s or ’90s?: I was a HUGE Backstreet Boys fan (I don' like them anymore), and, although I seemed to be the odd one out, I had a huge thing for Howie D. 

8. Hair up or down?: For the most part I wear it up. I think I prefer the way I look with my hair down, but most of the time I get too hot and have to throw it up into a ponytail or bun. 

9. Tell me about a fear you’ve conquered: The fact that I still drive my car (which has mice in it) on a regular basis shows that I have somewhat conquered my fear of rodents. Now, if the mice were to actually show their faces while I was driving the car, I would probably end up in a bad car accident. 

10. Weekly goals: I want to get a new tattoo this week! I want to get 'Through pain comes strength' on the back of my neck. 

If you decide to answer the questions, leave your responses or the link to your responses in the comment section below. 

Hope you all have a great week. 


